18 November 2007

Bongs are like mercury

Well when I told this one line to most people I dint actually say anything more so well I don’t think I need to say too much more here either all I need to say is:

two drops of mercury when in close proximity stay together

mercury has high cohesive forces.

Nuf said

The question to life the universe and everything

Well most of us know and well those of us who don’t better know that the answer to the life the universe and everything is well, 42. For those intelligent souls that wish to ask 42?? What 42??? Well that is what the answer to the life the universe and everything is which is what the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy tells us, that there is a theory about the universe that says that the only reason the universe still exists is because it is not completely understood, the moment the universe is completely understood poof it’ll be no more. Well if u actually come to think of it isn’t it the same thing with every other thing as well. As in, is it’s always the question that is the problem it is only because of questions that we exist if there were no questions then there would be no existence, now for example, we already have the answer to the life the universe and everything, its 42 everyone knows that, but what is the question to the life the universe and everything, to which the answer is 42? Similarly the curiosity the matter of interest remains only until we don’t understand, once we actually do understand something we tend to loose it, it doesn’t matter anymore, it in effect gets lost, poof.

Now taking the theory literally we would stop trying to find out about the universe because then it’d run out of existence but well its more like run out of attention, out of interest, out of sight and out of mind.

So now the question is this, what should we do? Do we stop looking for answers to questions? NO!!! the answer this time is literally a question, we are not to stop looking for answers we are to never stop looking for questions, because once the questions stop coming that is where the end lies.