9 December 2008

The divine council of heaven and hell

A while back I was thinking to myself as I do quite often and was wondering how these things work.

Proposition 1: Good people go to heaven and sinners go to hell.

Proposition 2: Heaven is relative concept and everyone has their own hell and heaven.

Going by the two above mentioned propositions now lets take a third fundamental that opposites attract, now say there is a person A who is a very good person[1] and a person B sinner of the highest order[2], supposing A is madly in love with B if A is to go to heaven, A’s heaven cant be complete without B but B must go to hell so how does that work?

I got a couple of interesting responses;

If B is a random person that A is madly in love with for all you know being with A may be Hell for B and therefore there is no problem

If B is not a random person, A loves B and B loves A also, then depending on what B wants more, to be with A or to see A happy in heaven the opposite will happen since B is destined to be in hell.

A third argument that I came across is love trumps sin so lovers will be together.

Now the question: A dies destined to go to heaven, A’s heaven in complete without B, B is alive what will happen?

[1] Has to be in heaven

[2] Has to be in hell


The New Age Superhero said...

i'd kill B

Punvati said...

I sparked this dint i :D

i told u my theory. hell and heaven all are merged into this one big city perhaps. all live together. but ppl are subjected to diff things. to make As heaven complete, B will be there. to make Bs hell a proper hell, he might be made blind or deaf, not be made to see or hear A, or smth along those lines... all one place, a different matrix for everyone.. what say?

Unknown said...

@voix - interesting theory, after life is the matrix

Unknown said...

@brick - firstly why kill B just because someone is crazy about him/her. i mean that way every time an idiot commits suicide after a cricket match a cricketer shud die and Angelina Jolie would be dead loooong ago and so would a lot of others think again

The New Age Superhero said...

i just want to kill someone right now.. so B it is

Adhirath said...

haw!..kacky..u totally neglected my response eh?..now i know how much you listen when i say something :P ..neway, ill still bug u with it once more..my answer was simple...the one who goes to heaven..who was it?...ahh..whoever...lets say C goes to heaven and D is to go to hell..then well, C will have a D for himself/herself in heaven..like an alternate..not the real one..but just one to play with :P..you know, its like amongst the many things that heaven has to offer, one is a reflection of your paramour!

Unknown said...

well but will it really be heaven with an alternate what if this alternate is an evil twin ?