18 October 2007

Overtaking Insanity

At times you sit and wonder in vain

And on the verge of going insane

A thought comes behind you and says hi

Another question another why

The answer to this now you look

This completely drives you off the hook

So instead of sitting now you stand

And ask yourself why you are on land

So as a reply you see the option off the sea

And get confused between the sea and the see

And then think of how u can be on an action word

And why are all your thoughts so absurd

And tired of it all you sit down again

And get back to wondering how you formed this chain

Still sitting and wondering in the same old vain

only now you’re sure you are completely insane

Kanishk Kakkar




The New Age Superhero said...

try to listen to this song called "sanitarium" by metallica and sing these lines with the chorus.. it just fits :P

oh and about the poem.. the comment stays same as the one for the prev one- :S.. :P

Unknown said...

I most humbly request each and every person who visits the comments section to NOT get inspired or influenced by Brick and his :S, and more substantial comments are requested.

@brick i'l chk out the song thanks

Punvati said...

Why in vain are you insane?
After all that effort, all that pain
Thank the thought that brought this about
Look around and loudly shout
Enjoy life from the view of the wierd
This way, you can even grow a foot long beard!
Look at the sea and see its glory
Think of the land and think its a boring story
Set asail and take a trip without sorrow
(With that beard, you will even look like Jack Sparrow!)
Don't sit, don't wonder, take a chance
Stand on the ship's mast and dance!
Indeed then people will call you insane
And see.. It won't be in vain!

as usual, i love such nonsense :)

Unknown said...

a beard in the sea, a good idea it may not be,
bcoz then the rum is over it'l spill ur tea
however if you do want to be like sparrow, jack
u might want to take a good look at ur back
and with that kind of flexibility then
u can run around and catch a hen
now enuf said i say to thee the nonsense will flow like river to the sea
while some will gush and the others will crawl
in the realm of insanity we all will one day fall


Punvati said...

Gush and pour
and who knows what more!
Who cares if we fall
I wouldnt mind at all...
if only we could all leap
into the unknown nonsense, so deep
and now i take ur leave i say adieau
i say, in the distance, is that you??

Unknown said...

what started of as an almost harmless poem that was to make the mind spin
has now ended throwing many intellectuals in the bin
infact now i guess some have totally lost it they want to leap and jump
without realizing that such actions will create an intellectual dump
in all the lands both far and wide i have never seen as such
a gather of poems so crazy that make u laugh so much
but all in all now that i think it is a wonderful thing
i mean to think and not the post that is pretty much a wink
now well alas i think i must go and see u in another
and i must acknowledge the contributions made by the other


nice chain me very happy :) :)