22 November 2008

The Meaning of 'Interesting'

I have always maintained that the word interesting is a very interesting word. I have also always wondered what the word actually means, and what is the concept of interest? Well here goes an attempt to answer the questions that I have just conjured.

The proposition:

“Some thing is interesting when you don’t know everything about the specific thing but you do know enough to know that you want to know more”

The explanation:

Things are not interesting when we know nothing about them; say if we were to talk about some weird abstract string theory concept of physics with a student of arts. The guy has never heard about it, he knows nothing it is boring. On the other had, going by the principle laid down if you know everything about something there are no questions and therefore no interest. So in order to be interested in something it is not only important to know a little bit about it but also important to have the want to know much more.

The same thing also applies to people, people are interesting when they are intriguing, and you believe that there is a lot to them than meets the eye. Using the same concept on a much lighter note, if you want someone to be interested in you, you should be interested in them let them know something about you but only enough to want to know more, which is probably why the girls like the bad boys ;-)


Punvati said...

Hmm.. true and maybe thats another explanation for you-know-what....
But on another note.. interest here is equated to intrigue. If you are tempted to want to know more about something/someone, you fall for them... So the pick up tip here is be mysterious? So you'll either get very lucky or you'll be over-mysterious and people just want to keep away (you knw who im talkin about right? ;) )

Unknown said...

@ voix - well i think i understand what u mean by u know what but i'm confused about u kno who. well the key is to intrigue the person enough so that they want to know more about you, if u make ur self too much of a mystery u might as well make ur self scarce.

Punvati said...

tautology! interesting is a very interesting word! hah! :P

Manisha said...

Nice analysis!Now I know what to do keep up an interest in people. Be only mysterious enough not too much not too less. Very True...