25 March 2008

Chemistry vis a vis Promiscuity

Being a student of law with science is quite interesting, especially when you have to study family law and heterocyclics in the same course. Now if we were to look at organic chemistry like all atoms were individuals and bonds were conjugal society what would we get?

Carbon can have 4 wives but can also have 2 or 3 marriages with the same wife and strangely this third marriage is actually less stable than if there were another atom instead. Oxygen can have 2 but as such lives in a caste based society and inter-caste marriage is mostly with hydrogen on one side. Lucky/unlucky sulphur forms a whole new religion allowing six bonds. The funny thing is that there is only hydrogen that is monogamous and of course we have our inert bachelors that sometimes make an exception. Then we have multiple relations and polymer relations are definitely joint families. Oh the funny thing, the order of the day is defiantly not monogamy then why is it like that in family law?

Kanishk Kakkar




The New Age Superhero said...

i knew it.. the bachelors have to exist.. yeah they are an exceptional breed all right.. but it's their presence that ultimately makes the other existing relationships look spicy :P

Unknown said...

ya that is an interesting point even in chemistry the inerts to play a very important role, as important as priests and nuns, all in all it takes all kind to make the world.

Anonymous said...

gr8 minds at work... gud analogy u hav drawn..

Unknown said...

if u liked this one u might want to check out this http://hoverer.blogspot.com/2007/03/chemical-fundae.html