This post being the 50th post I'm going to try and make it a post that is a little special, it will talk about two things.
Firstly, the fact that it is the 50th post yay :D and how I never thought I'd actually have a blog in the first place and have 50 posts was not even a dream.
Secondly, I’ll talk about Rock On, the movie the song and the fact that the music of the same is inspired by the music of another Hindi movie.
It was a very long time ago when Voix introduced me to the concept of blogging, initially I thought it was weird, an opening into your own head, your thoughts out on the internet for everyone to see and interpret and analyze you to be someone you may or may not be. I did not blog. Then one fine Sunday, I’m not sure what prompted me I decided that hey what the hell lets post something, that was 49 posts earlier, and a long time ago. Since the time when my blog was open to only a select few readers (which were only 3 of which only 2 ever read it), to allowing everyone to read but only moderated comments were entertained to now un moderated comments I think I can safely say that I’m comfortable with the concept of blogging, and as a lateral shift I think the very fact that my heart jumps with joy every time I receive a comment, shows me that I actually want people to read my thoughts. Well what can I say; my yesterday thinks my today is insane.
The rock on bit, the reason I introduced it in the beginning was to keep you interested in the whole stuff about me blogging and all that. I’ll keep this simple.
Movie: Lakshya
Inspired from: Rock climbing scene back ground music
Ta ta ..tann…..tan tan ….. ta ta .. tann…..
Ps: Thanks Voix