I was having a rather random conversation with a rather random conservationist nothing too serious nothing sincere either. When suddenly the question of relationships cropped up, started with this rather random conversationalist telling me about crushes were not people that this rather random conversationalist liked. Which got me thinking what is the difference between a crush and infatuation and say liking and then going on to really really liking and finally the coveted love.
This rather random conversationalist asked me what the difference was and of the top of my head I answered with an example that in retrospect I think was quite interesting.
A Crush is like a dog chasing a car that it knows it can never catch and even if by some stroke of divine intervention he does catch it the dog will have no idea what to do with it.
An infatuation is a man that neither knows how to drive nor affords a car is running behind one, so he still doesn’t know what to do with it if by luck he somehow manages to catch it, but apart from catch it he has no chance anyway cos he definitely cant buy one.
Liking, is a little more complex, it’s a man that can afford a car and knows how to drive sitting at home researching on the internet about what the car is like and if or not the car will suit him and will he suit the car.
Then comes the next stage or the post homework stage where you have kinda decided on 2-3 of your top choices and you go around to the show rooms looking at them, ask people who own cars what owning a car like that one will be all about, but you know that your car will be different, people who give u bad opinions about that car you really like are either crapping cos they couldn’t have it or cos they don’t know how to drive it right.
Dating, another interesting concept, it’s very simply the test drive.
Finally love is going to that showroom with your check book in the pocket and being ready to sign that check and after the test drive the only thing that can come in the way of you and the car you so badly want now is un availability.
Of course if the car is available and the check is signed congratulations you are now officially going out. ;-)
nice analogy...and might i add, grudgingly, true :P
suprisingly i was having a very similiar conversation with not a very random conversationalist over this, though not randomly, but precisely and i have a feeling the random conversationalist who sparked off such a bright analogy of love-struck people with dogs in your head, was actually responsible for my conversation! too many conversations!!
well i'm really confused about this connection your drawing with this rather random conversationalist bcoz the odds of your having had a conversation with this person to my imagination are very low, however i'd be happy to find that the world is actually a very small place let me know who u think this person is
Innovative :P the most interesting conversations stem out of randomness, so yippee for random conversationalists
now i'm doubting the chances of the same personality(or conversationalist, if u may)...i'm talking of a law student in ur clg who had a very 'deeply insightful' gtalk status about the stste of infatuations and their subsequent failures thereafter! this person's status sparked off my conversation with another...are we on the same track?
LOL.. so who's the car? The chic?! ...Its just my law school upbringing...:P
Speaking of random conversationalists, your certainlt the one I'd guess knows them. This, was pure genius.
Second best original theory award... the best was Sindhu V's theory of love and life based on the lives of frogs and their habitats.Another story, another time. :D
@shivani - i doubt we are on the same track, but oh well how does it matter law students are sparking good streams of thought kudos !!!
@uttara - well actually it applies to both guys and girls but going by a more traditional school of thought that wasnt as gender liberal as we are today it would not be wrong to say that the car is the chick...and in more contemporary times it could also be the well eagle if you may.
@ hakuna matata - thank you so much is an honor.
@voix - i'd personally rather yippe random conversations with random or not so random conversationalists.
well a lot has already been said abt..wat i wanna comment is dat u mst hve enlightened ds rather random convertationalist in a very amusing manner...well it actually is an interesting piece of work..makes sense..good job..! go ahead n create more of such rather random theories n xplanations on random topics wid random convertationalists at random times..! ds randomness is indeed a very creative n useful thng ...!
okay.. so i have the license to drive, the car to drive but my dad won't lend me his car.. so am i in love? :S
well its very simple. If u need your dad to lend u his car u dont have the car to drive, So well your not in love. On the other hand because u do have the license to drive and you have access to a car that being ur dads the only love that i c u cud be in is called motherly.
so i need a "paraaya" car strictly
@brick - well i dont mind if u want to use your own car. But that's not the point. Since we both know that u are a male, in your specific case, a girl(presumably) would be this car. now if say this girl was Angelina Jolie, then you'd be the dog running after her, if u ask out a girl then your the guy with the money going to the show room and asking for availability. If the girl says yes then you buy the car. end of story. but now having provoked the thought you cud also wish to buy a second hand car, and the same rule applies, you could eye your neighbors BMW that you know you cud never buy, or you cud be looking at a beautiful new car that the owner just did not know how to handle.
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